1. How do I register for Fix ALL Rewards?
Simply create an account or log in using existing account details. You will receive an email to verify your email address and confirm your registration.

2. I have forgotten my password. What do I do?
Simply click the forgotten password link on the log in page and follow the steps to reset your password.

3. How can I benefit from Fix ALL Rewards?
Fix ALL Rewards gives you access to the Fix ALL Rewards Shop where you can redeem points for a range of gifts. You will also have access to games such as Beat the Keeper, prize draws and various other promotional campaigns throughout the year!

4. I can’t log in to my account. What do I do?
Try first to reset your password, using the forgotten password link on the log in page. Then follow the steps to reset your password. If you require support, please contact MLP. Office opening hours are 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday excluding Public and Bank Holidays.

5. Can I withdraw from any of the prize draws?
Yes, your email will contain an opt out link. If you cannot locate your email and wish to opt out, please contact MLP. Office opening hours are 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday excluding Public and Bank Holidays.

6. If I have any questions that were not answered here, who can answer them?
If you have a question that is not listed here, contact MLP who will be able to help. Office opening hours are 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday excluding Public and Bank Holidays.